Attachment method – Only with Lazar Levi
What makes a hair dresser qualified for the hair extension?
preparation, attachment, and maintenance tasks – one of the most challenging ones in the area of hair design. Moreover, to achieve success in all the 3 tasks, one must be more than a regular hairdresser. At that level of proficiency, it’s not just hairdressing, it’s a form of art. Creating a real masterpiece, composed of both the natural hair of the client and the artificial.
extensions, that’s truly the highest level of success in this field. Moreover, to keep up, every specialist in this area must constantly upgrade his way of work. The field of hair products is offering new, advanced, and highly efficient solutions every day, offered only at professional hair salons, so the responsibility of the hair artists is not only to be good with scissors but also to be available to provide the most advanced technologies in his work.
Currently, one of the most efficient ways to offer hair extensions attachment is the SP way – Super Protection, emphasizing the strength of the natural hair, required for holding up the extension without breaking, preserving the extensions for the longest period, and maintaining great natural look, while saving the client time and money on long, exhausting styling processes. In general, the better your professional – the easier you have it on an everyday basis.
That’s why Lazar Levi is the best choice for all the glamorous girls in Israel (and beyond) who want their hair to represent to princesses they are!
Hair Extensions with SP Technology
The potential difficulties of hair extensions nowadays
Lazar Levi – the best choice for making hair extensions in Israel
?Why should you choose the SP attachment method
The distinguishing traits of high-quality extensions
The best way to ensure the longevity of your hair extensions
Creating beauty and strength for your hair
Lazar Levi is a skilled hair stylist from A to Z, but creating the perfect extensions for each and every client it’s his specialty, created by the combination of experience, knowledge, usage of the most advanced techniques and products, as well as creating custom solutions for each individual. All of these factors made him to star in the beauty industry in Israel and beyond. Using the SP technique for attaching theextensions is another example of the innovation in his work, proven time after time by impeccable, long-lasting results.